I have mentioned before that although we are not a gluten-free household, we do limit it. The other day I wanted to make #1 a treat. Originally I thought of baking a flour-less chocolate cake but did not have enough time. So I decided to try a boxed mix of some kind. (No, I don't make everything from scratch)

These brownies were amazing. One of the best brownies I have ever had. Truly. I don't know what it was that made them so good. They were rich, but not too rich. They were sweet, but not too sweet. They had the perfect cocoa flavor.
The recipe on the back called for butter, which I am sure also had something to do with how good they were. I would much rather have butter over oil.
The other nice thing is that the ingredients list was not too scary.
*Bob's Red Mill has no idea who I am. I purchased this product for myself, and this review is simply my opinion. Although if they want to send me coupons or free products, I won't turn it away!
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