Avocados are the darling ingredient of nutritionists and social media.
But I am going to argue that we should not be eating them year-round.
Crazy right? The star of instagram. Full of good fats. Lots of potassium. Creamy and versatile.
So why have I decreased my avocado?
Because it's winter here in the northeast.
Now I'm not going to tell you I stopped eating it altogether. I haven't. But I am trying to decrease eating foods that are not in season. I think as the seasons change, our body needs different foods, and to eat lots of the same foods year around doesn't make sense.
From a chinese medicine perspective, avocados are a cooling food and if you have excess yin, dampness or spleen deficiency, avocados are not as beneficial.
So although I LOVE avocados and would eat them daily, I have decided to take this small step towards more seasonal living and am varying my diet a bit to have more warming foods this winter.
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