And even though I am a minimalist, ideally I would love a really large expansive kitchen. I talked about it in Why I do not Want a Tiny House
So being limited on space, I do tend to really analyze what I have and what I need. I try to make sure that the things I have in my kitchen are things I will really use and if not, it goes.
So here is a list of 5 tools I don't have in my kitchen - followed by 5 I do.
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A garlic press - what? Some people might think I am crazy, but I actually wrote about this before in Simplifying your kitchen - the garlic press. I have a microplane zester that does all I need.
A slow cooker - ok, well technically I do have a small older one that I keep downstairs simply because it is vintage. It really never gets used anymore. But when my old slow cooker broke I debated for a while and decided to go with an instant pot that has slow cooker capabilities.
A sandwich press - this would be super fun to have and honestly grilled cheese is one of my very favorite sandwiches. But I don't need a press, I have a skillet, and if I really wanted I could user my waffle iron as a makeshift press.
Air Fryer - I do really want one. Everyone that has one seems to love it and use it all the time. B Ut I really don't want another small appliance. However, I may be able to just get an Air Fryer Lid that goes on my instant pot and changes it into an air fryer! Score.
Dish Rack - may seem strange but we actually do not have a dishwasher. The house didn't have one and of course we assumed we would upgrade our kitchen after a few years. Hasn't happened yet. So I do dishes by hand every. single. day. I did have a dish rack for a while. It was one of those that sat over the sink and drained into the sink. But I noticed that I would let dishes sit there. However if I just use a towel and put the dishes on that, I am much more likely to put the dishes away and then my counters are clutter-free.
5 tools I love for my kitchen
Immersion Blender - I love so much about this. I love the size. It is so small and barely trakes up space. I love that it is easy to clean. And I love ow versatile it is. I make dressings, mayo, blend eggs to make them fluffy, blend soups. It really is an invaluable tool to have.
Stand Mixer (this is even my color) - this one is big, and heavy, and takes up a lot of counter space. Buuuuuut, I use it weekly. I make homemade bread every week and this is what does my kneading. Just having it for that is worth it, but I also user it for souffles and baking often. And to fix the solution of not wanting to have a cluttered counter, I found a space for it in a cabinet and I just ;bring it out when I need it; and I get a nice workout at the same time.
Instant pot - I like this because I can use it as the instant pot, or as a slow cooker (like I mentioned), I can make yogurt, I can saute, I can rise bread. I feel like because it has so many buttons, it really can do a lot. And if I buy my air fryer lid it will have another use!
Dutch Oven - Now I don't have one of these fancy Le Creuset dutch ovens that all the best chefs have. I think I might have gotten it for free when we registered for All Clad Pots and Pans, but it is still a great brand and gets used all the time. I bake the bread in it. I use it for pasta, I use it for sauces, I use it when I brown something on the stove and and then need to bake it. It is a great size.
Frother - ok so this broke and I NEED to get a new one because honestly this little tool makes my morning coffee that happiest ever. Who knew frothing half and half would make a big difference in coffee, but it does and I love. I will be replacing it very soon!
Although there are a few more things I feel are must haves, I didn't want this list to get too long.
There are other tools that not only do I not have in my kitchen, some I think are ridiculous. You can read about those in:
5 single use kitchen tools you should throw away
5 more single use kitchen tools
5 single use kitchen tools part 3
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